Successfully upgraded to our latest e3 DLP release VA11

3 pioneer customers upgraded to DLP VA11 and included MS Teams DLP

12/20/20231 min read

Starting Situation

3 of our valued long-term partners, all of them in the financial area, emerged as one of the prominents customers upgrading to our latest Case Management solution, the e3 DLP, this year. All of them, akin to several clients, grappling with the challenge of necessitating multiple DLP solutions.

Solution Approach

In the current landscape, Microsoft is the primary solution capable of monitoring Teams, Sharepoint, and OneDrive. However, despite this capability, Microsoft's DLP features lag still behind the Symantec solution, across other channels and functions. Consequently, the customers had to procure licenses and implement DLP policies within MS Purview.

Streamlining Processes with e3 DLP

The customers had already streamlined their processes with the mature and versatile e3 DLP solution, coming with a flexible workflow engine and other features designed to curtail operational costs in a medium to large-scale enterprise.

Upgrade Decision

The decision was made to upgrade to our latest e3 DLP solution, VA 11. This upgrade empowers our customers to deploy multiple DLP detection solutions while still utilizing the same DLP business logic for their workflows, irrespective of the underlying solution.

Incident Management Excellence

Those clients, as most of our DLP customers, leverage their incident management processes such as Self Remediation via E-Mail, Line Manager approval, and 2-step approvals via risk management, with e3 DLP providing support for channels like E-Mail, Endpoint, and Data at Rest. Primarily to reduce the total operations costs of this for those manual processes, i. e. auto-close for low severity incidents, auto-close of fully waived or fully whitelisted e-mails, allowing a reduction of incident management costs up to 80%.

Expanded Monitoring Scope

With the inclusion of Purview, Microsoft Teams is now also monitored.
As the DLP rules in for all channels are actually the same, and most based on exact match technology, the implemented solution not only consolidates incident management in a single UI platform but also ensures that the indexes for Exact Match policies in Symantec and Purview originate from the same data source. This unified approach, utilizing a single index creation mechanism, serves to reduce infrastructure complexity and enhance reliability.